Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Exhausted Ramblings: Installment 4

Day 6:
  • saw 2 deer standing where I had been not 15 min. ago. i got teary-eyed watching them make their way across the same stream that i had been trying to find a way to cross.
  • have come to the realization that if harm came to any of us, we would most likely have to be treated by a veterinarian.
  • i'am here to produce art, but absorbing this experience as a whole is just as important.

Day 7:

  • wishing it weren't so gray outdoors. it is making me feel gray.
  • on my afternoon walk a bald eagle flew directly overhead.
  • first weekend at ucross. the offices were closed. the 7 other residents and myself had to fend for ourselves. did not know that this property could become more secluded. i was mistaken. note to self: next town trip...more whiskey.

Day 8:

  • cabin fever setting in. for the love of god gray sky - hit the bricks! i cannot promise that i won't commandeer a vehicle. i am in desperate need of a high speed joy ride under a big blue sky.
  • afternoon walk: 1) thank you baby jesus for the robin's egg blue sky (no need to steal a not so cool that you needed tornado strength winds to blow the gray skies all to hell. that vicious wind is where head colds come from. 2) scarf became mangled on barbed wire fencing during landscape photo shoot - brief panic...but came out unscathed.
  • i can honestly say that i work everyday until i'm empty. the evenings have taken on a lonely, somber feel. i've been off the property once in ten days. sooooo looking forward to the town trip friday.
  • going to see if i can round up the troops after dinner tonight to join me in a buck's cabin photo shoot/exploration. did i mention there are 4 real-life elephant feet in buck's basement?
  • buck's cabin photo shoot. check.

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