Things are going pretty smooth when you wake up and the only thing on your mind is a turtle shell.
Turtle shell photo shoot - check.
Turtle shell painting Stage One - check.
On a morning walk, the subject of man's impact on nature presented itself. Scattered by a creek near the cabins are a number of kitchen tiles from what I assume to be an old remodeling project. It's always a bit jarring to come across something that belongs inside of a home while immersed in the middle of the great outdoors.
Nature began looking like structures.
This leaf totally has windows.
By 1pm the ranch was quiet -
just me and the buffalo.
I painted some mountain laurel beans.
As I climbed into bed and turned on the reading
light, I noticed a pretty awesome shadow.
Thistle. Fuzz.
I love the view out your window! How is it since Margie left? Too bad Kona couldn't have come with you!