Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day Eleven - Prairie Center Rez

Every adventure provides unexpected inspiration and Peoria has provided me with many, but there are two in particular that continue to peak my interest day after day.  The first (and I think you'll see this one coming) is the corn factory.  Here it is from the bridge crossing the Illinois River.

The corn factory looks like a hell for lighthouses, all encased in structures and so many connecting pipes, buildings, and scaffolding-type platforms - too complicated to understand how it all connects with just the naked eye.

Two views of the corn factory from the second floor.  Which 
leads me to the second major inspiration:  the space upstairs.  

There is an area upstairs as large as a universe.  It's the kind of space best explored alone.  I walked the perimeter sticking close to the brick walls, picking up small trinkets to take home in hopes that they would harbor some amount of haunt within them.  An arrow made of masking tape on the floor led me to a corner where I found two bug-eaten feathers and a few bird bones so clean the death must have happened the year I was born.  Under a work table I selected a piece of cut wood small enough to fit in a jar but big enough to hold the memories of the space.  No matter how many photographs I took looking out of the windows towards the neighboring factory - image after image only showed more of the space I was standing in.  It kept me inside of it's belly - a happy captive.

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