Thursday, November 20, 2014

Houses. More. Houses.

Holy shitballs…there are only three weeks left of the semester - nobody panic!  To do:
1.  Need to stand in judgement of my committee one more time before winter break.
2.  Write a ten page paper for art theory seminar (and I have exactly zero pages written so far).
3.  Come up with a bombass artist talk for grad painting class.
4.  Make an art for the grad group show.
5.  Keep churning out work in the studio.
6.  Don't freak out and remember to eat food, sleep sometimes and make trips to the grocery store and laundry mat.

No need to worry, everything will be a-ok.  I had a minor existential crisis earlier this week but I usually do that every Wednesday.  Studio stuff is headed toward house drawings and paintings.  I finished the large weird bird/house/cactus painting - added some grommets at the top for hanging.  Made some tini-tiny wooden houses to use for perspective references (and I just like making tini-tiny houses).  I've been looking at drafting tools and supplies and scale model house kits to help amp up the architectural elements happening.  

I'll have to say that I'm pretty excited about the painting below.  It's been a few years since I did anything remotely like it and back then I incorporated maps, masking tape, and other collaging materials.  This is the third painting for this poor canvas.  Ironically the first painting was an architectural-type exercise from my undergraduate Painting I class, then came the blue sparrow painting from earlier this semester, and now it's progress is looking like this...

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