Good night American Youth Airborne or whatever your title ends up being, it was nice working on ya. Compositionally you made me feel itchy at times. Like a lot. But our struggle made us friends. I especially enjoyed the times I avoided painting you all together and instead played with the paratrooper dude. Paratrooper dude, now that your modeling duty is done you and I have a date on the balcony and by date I mean I'm gonna toss you over the third floor railing. I genuinely wish you a safe landing but if you get stuck in a tree or drift onto a neighbor's patio it will be okay because your mission sir has been completed.
American Youth Airborne, oil on wood, 50"x34", 2012
Pterodactyl detail.
(Side note)
Dear Pterodactyl,
If I were given your name in a spelling bee pre-this painting, I would have lost immediately.
Space-dude detail.