Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yeah...more birds.

I don't use penguins very often in my work but this King Penguin was just too handsome not to paint. I used an 8"x8" panel covered in vintage wallpaper. This wallpaper's flat white and shiny silver design reminds me of snowflakes.

Is there a feather more beautiful than a peacock feather?

Okay, this painting was originally going to be of a flamingo but after laying it out a Common Kestrel watching a wooden toy top worked better. Kestrels have the amazing ability to hover. I wanted to contradict this stillness in flight with movement. But that movement had to come from something found in a domestic setting rather than in nature. The idea of a vintage toy top came to mind.

I have always guess-timated the hours that go into my large paintings. I decided to actually document the exact time spent and so far I am up to 9 hrs. and 15 min. on this painting and I haven't even started painting the kestrel or top. I am really enjoying this one - challenges to come!

1 comment:

  1. that penguin is so crisp. love the feather. keep 'em comin!
