The number six is now my number. I never knew that a number could evoke such strong emotions.
He was born William McDonald, became Wild Bill, but I knew him as Dad. He came into this world on 6/6/1951 and left it on 6/6/2013. Full freakin' circle. Nice work Dad.
He was hands down the funniest person I've ever known and at the same time I've never known another person to hold such sadness at times. I miss you Dad and have a love for you greater than a heart can hold.
Dad, watercolor, 20"x15", 2009
Dad, oil, 24"x18", 2009 Dad, pastel, 12"x9", 2009
About a week after he died, Kona and I were going for our morning walk when we came across something in the middle of the sidewalk. It was a tattered white foam cutout that looked like it had once belonged on a kid's school project. I looked closer and could see it was an image of a bearded man and I instantly knew it was Dad saying hello. I scooped it up and framed him. Hi to you Dad.