Monday, September 7, 2009


Not sure if you are aware that I have a weird obsession with cuts of meat, but I do. I adore painting steaks and what not and was recently given the chance to sketch a slab-o-meat. My hair stylist has a friend who is a butcher and she commissioned me to do a steak sketch in exchange for some freebie haircuts. I'll take it!

Above is the inspiration for the sketch. It is an oil on canvas board. I covered in a thick and delicious layer of Galkyd Lite so it has a wicked glossy finish. Yum! I originally was going to give my stylist this one but found that I am too attached to it to let it go. I did this about a year ago in school. It has a secret lying underneath the paint. I used this same canvas board for Figure Painting class. A nude man rests underneath the meat. My Painting III professor was amused at the irony of it all.

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