Day Nine: Escape to the woods. |
Long strands of uninterrupted concentration have not been common in Pickens. Day Nine started off with a rumbling truck parked outside of the studio. Even though it was impossible to focus on my work I was grateful for this truck because it was emptying the septic tank which has been the cause of being bathroomless and for the most part kitchenless. Today began with the loggers sharpening blades in front of the studio. At this very moment they are using those blades in the nearby woods. But the sounds of falling trees and men wielding chainsaws is muffled by the rotor rooter guy doing damage on the bathroom plumbing. *please fix the plumbing, please fix the plumbing* Annnnd…the electricity goes out…Day Ten, you have reached comical levels.
The building that houses my living space and studio is a constant hive of activity. This activity is not what I had in mind when I was rocketing on a plane towards the rural community of Pickens, SC but I honestly believe if I can find a way to make work here, it will be a new way of working which will inevitably produce a new kind of work which is one of the main reasons for doing residencies in the first place. I most definitely do not want to give the impression that all moments are a struggle, there are many wonderful nuggets throughout the day.
Day Nine: We celebrated Lindsay's bday with dinner and cupcakes by the fire. |
Day Ten: I made the acquaintance of this rat snake in the pasture. |
The distractions and disappointments have me hellbent on coming home with a solid series and that energy is conjuring up studio progress that I am excited about. That means this journey has so far been a success - success that has taken a very unexpected route…one I could have never anticipated. Below are some progress shots.
Sandpaper is now my friend. |
I know, I know…the most challenging experiences provide the biggest lessons and rewards. Besides the direction of my work (very excited!) a huge reward is realizing just how wonderful my life is back home. In the midst of today's chaos, I received a respite in the form of a beautiful letter. I am so grateful for this experience and look forward to cultivating the seeds of inspiration it provides.